This is a new forum that we came across, it seems that its a HGH forum for Canadians (not sure why its just for Canadians or is it just the name), but the info there will be great for all members around the world thats for sure. A board dedicated mostly to GH....this is the first of its kind, it will be interesting how this board will be in the long run, for members more interested in GH this will be the place for you, they do have a AAS section too so it will have the best of both worlds. Good luck for the people behind this board, we will be keeping up to date for sure when the board is done, it seems that its still in its building stages. From the info that we are getting is that it "might" be an invite ONLY forum unless your have reference, if anyone got any word or updates with this please let us know, we will try our best to get you as much info as we can to give our readers a heads up on this forum as we are very excited to see whats to come of the "HGH" forum.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
In my years in bodybuilding its my turn to ask a question, not what do you think of these Testovis amps?, I have seen some VERY good fakes of this human grade propionate, but when you compare this to other picks it looks like a terrible fake as the labels are all sloppy put on, the dates look like they are printed on and not "stamped" on, they are just off, with we had the boxes they came in so we can compare the boxes this could be a new way of the dates (printed on) and just a bad batch on labelling, but can it be this bad? we dont think so, in our opinion these are terrible fakes and the seller should be outed ASAP, but the only real way is to have a lab test done....and if done it can vary well still be propionate in it, just a UGL propionate and not the original human grade Test that is suppose to be in the amp. So how do we find out if its real or not?? well..... a lab test is still the only real way, but not just test the substance in the ampule but test the carrying oil as well thats holding the propionate, so in faked this is a tough one to deal with and it goes with ALL human/pharm grade gear as well. There is only 2 sources that say/talk about the "open" four, but its been so long, could they have changed this long ago? or is it still a good way in telling fakes from real with the brand Testovis?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
So many forums "WHICH ONE!!!, its hard to find a GOOD solid board these days, with all the drama and rumours thats being circulated and from what we read in emails thats being sent to us, all we can say is its just absolutely ridiculous, what happen to the good old days? why compromise others by posting their names up in a open forum so LE and the entire world can read it? why bring "DRUGS" into our community when its not true?, what are these people trying to accomplish when members do so, this is as close to being a "RAT/SNITCH" you can get, there is no proof or explanation when these allegations are being posted, to "us" it seems like these members are doing it just to kill a persons reputation or put them out of biz cause of competition, in our opinion we would suggest you stay away from these boards and members as they are a HUGE security risk to ALL of us, we say this because if you say the wrong thing or post the wrong "numbers" you will be at risk of being outed and be labelled as a "drug dealer" or "drug user" and your personal info will be out for all to see.....why take a chance with these forums and so called "solid" members or VETS. So we WARN ALL MEMBERS OF OUR BELOVED BB COMMUNITY THIS CAN HAPPEN TO YOU, so for it not to happen to our real members and sources we suggest you stay away from ANY forum that lets this happen, if you see these members that do this we say run the other way and dont look back, we really need to filter out these NEW Admins/Mods and members and get back to how our community use to be.
Stay Safe!
Stay Safe!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Sorry to all of out readers, we have been very busy and did not have time to keep out blog updated, today we are talking about, there have been alot of buzz over this site and alot of good feedback, also they have a new line of products thats coming out called KALPA, we have yet to see this brand but down the grape vine there are lots of talk about them and they are making there oils VERY potent and the tabs are said to be just GREAT as well, but we have yet to try them out, see the final product and give a feedback on them, this is gonna be a very exciting time for us, when they come out and we are excited to try them out and see how they are, is all the hype just hype?? or will they be one of the TOP brands out there I guess we will have to wait and see we hope to get one of the first testers of ALL the compounds oils and tabs so we can do a write up on the brand, so all of our readers out there keep checking our blog and we hopefully we will have the first feedback to post up for you all, we do have pics of the labels and their site is up, we will post the URL here as well as the labels ASAP, yes we are just as excited as you all are, we are also hoping that this line will hit the Canadian market as there are not many "good" trustful and reliable brands lets keep our fingers crossed and hope they make it over here!!!
Monday, July 11, 2011
DP is getting a great name for the gear that they are producing, it is one of the top UGL's out there from the research that we have done, we have not tested it yet but the feedback is very good, if you have any experience with DP products please post it up in the comment at the bottom, here are some pictures of DP products that we pulled up from different sites and forums.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Private messages accessible by staff on steroid websites – OLM,,, et al.
Jun 16, 2011
For the past few years, through several blogs, and in many different formats, I’ve told my readers that the owners and administrators of online message boards can read private messages. I’ve been saying this since …well, forever. Now, it appears that a group of hactivists within the steroid community have taken it upon themselves to prove this point. The websites where Administrators and owners have the ability to read the members’ private messages are: (*Admin*),, (owned by the same crew as,,,,, and
In the past I’ve pointed this issue out as primarily a moral issue; you don’t want your private communications with another member to be accessible to anyone but that member, right? But now I’ve got different concerns, primarily because I’d estimate that a minimum of 1-2 staff members on any given message board are active members of law enforcement – and I’m not talking about cops who hit the juice, I’m talking about federal agents whose sole purpose on these message boards is to identify and arrest online steroid sources.
Apparently the latest version of the Vb hack that allows the staff to read private messages also allows the staff to effectively login as that user, make posts, and use all of the functions that the user would be entitled to. So, what these guys did was to break into a bunch of websites, and alert the members to the security breach while they gathered evidence of the staff’s ability to read messages – here you can see the hackers logged in as homerkahn:
Could these screenshots have been photoshopped? Sure, but I would say that the probability of that is absolutely zero. It’s rare that someone who uses the airbrush function to write “Motherf*cker” on a .JPG in Windows Paint is also a master photoshopper. Besides, I know for a fact that can read private messages, and I know for a fact that the scumbags who run half of these sites aren’t concerned with your safety as much as they’re concerned with their bank accounts.
The issue here isn’t that the staff on these sites are reading private messages, the issue is that they have set the forum up in advance with this capability, even with the security problems that are globally inherent with message boards that discuss anything illegal and furthermore the problems that are specific to the underground steroid community. I’ve been contacted by one of the owners/admins from one of the sites (the one with the screengrabs), and he denies reading any messages. On the other hand, the evidence I’ve been presented seems to point to the fact that mods and admins on all of these message boards are regularly checking out out the not-so-private messages of their membership.
Like I said – the problem isn’t whether or not it’s being done, the problem is that it’s possible, and furthermore, I know for a fact that these sites all have federal agents on them. So this is a huge breach of the community’s trust and in my estimation, warrants an immediate boycott of these sites and blacklisting of their staff members.
Again, the websites where Administrators and owners have the ability to read the members’ private messages are: (*Admin*),, (owned by the same crew as,,,,, Chemicalmass and
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
PCT and Cycle Recomendations:
Estrogen, Progesterone and Cortisol control
I am starting this thread after tons of reading, and taking advice from the more prominent members from various boards. I just wanted to summarize a bunch of useful threads here, bringing it together in one post and simplifying the popular substances used to control estrogen/progesterone/cortisol and restore natural test levels. Ill go over the compounds briefly, and summarize at the end of the post. I'd like to thank Hooker for his input on this thread. A few defenitions before you start :
SERM's (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator): These block certain estrogen receptors, depending on the drug, and dont actually lower estrogen in the blood. Estrogen is left to circulate with nowhere to go. Because of this, SERMS have a posotive effect on cholesterol levels. They have a negative effect on IGF-1, so if bulking, only take them if totally necessary. They are good at blocking gyno, and are commonly used while cycling and in PCT.
AI's (Aromatase Inhibitors): There are 2 types of AI's. Type I (suicide inhibitor) attaches to the aromatase enzyme and permanently disables it. Type II compete for the enzyme, but dont destroy it. Both are effective at lowering estrogen substantially. Both are commonly used during both cycling and PCT. Used mainly when low estrogen levels are desired, like contest preparation/cutting. Beware that lowering estrogen with strong AI's can have a negative effect on cholesterol levels.
RI's (Reductase Inhibitors): These drugs stop the conversion of testosterone into DHT wherever 5-alpha reductase enzymes are present. RI's work by blocking the action of the 5-alpha. There are 2 5a's. Type I 5a and Type II 5a. Different RI's block one or both of these 5a's.
Estrogen: The first hormone we need to keep an eye on. Many AAS convert to estrogen via the aromatization process. Some AAS are worse than others. Also, estrogen spikes after a cycle. High levels of estrogen leads to gyno, water retention, fat storage etc. Estrogen plays a key role in progesterone related gyno. We either block its receptors with SERMS or reduce its production with AIs. We watch estrogen levels during a cycle and in PCT. Lowering estrogen too much will mess up your blood lipids. Letting it get out of control will cause sides like gyno, water retention etc. Estrogen plays a role in IGF-1 levels, may lower IGF-1 when blocked. Estrogen is also beneficial hormone when bulking, promoting higher androgen receptor concentrations. It also is beneficial in another way - its supposed to act as an anti-inflammatory - this means blocking or reducing it too much during a heavy bulking cycle can result in injury to joints. Obviously different estrogen levels are desired for different goals, and it is not always good to block its action or its production.
Progesterone: Its not so much progesterone that we watch, which is actually a healthy hormone, but progestins which may act upon its receptors. Progestins, like Tren or Deca, may act on its receptor or lower progesterone in the blood. Gyno and lactating are more common side effects. Some people use progesterone receptor blockers to combat this, or a prolactin production inhibitor.
Cortisol: The third hormone, the stress hormone. When elevated to long, it will store fat. Eat muscle. Cause lethargy. Moodiness. You may crave carbs by the boat load. Cortisol spikes after a cycle because AAS blocks it while on cycle, upping cortisol production and receptor sites. IMO not enough attention is payed to this. It has special functions in the body that are absolutely necessary, like its anti-inflamitory ability. However, when elevated for long periods, it turns into a muscle eating beast. The most important time to watch cortisol is after a cycle, when it spikes.
Now that you brushed up on some defentions, here are some useful compounds :
SERMS (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulation)
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate): Nolvadex is a SERM. It selectively binds to certain estrogen receptors, effectively blocking the estrogen and stopping unwanted sides such as gyno. It DOES NOT lower estro levels in the blood, it only blocks it from binding to certain receptors. It also helps your blood fat levels. It does not suppress LH, blocks desired estro receptors and helps stop HCG from desensitizing your testicles to natural LH. Nolva should be used during HCG therapy, at 20 mg a day, for the reason i just mentioned. Can be used during cycle if you see signs of gyno. Its mainly used to block the estrogen spike when you come off cycle, and should be used right through to the end until natural test levels are back. One drawback to consider about Nolva is that it may cause progesterone receptors to become more sensitive. This means that while using progestins such as Deca or Tren, you may become more sensetive to progestin related gyno.
Faslodex (Fulvestrant): Approved for use in 2002 for breast cancer research, this drug is unlike most we have seen. It is classified as an estrogen receptor downregulator. It prevents estrogen from exerting its influence on the estrogen receptor. Similar to Nolvadex, but is not selective. It hits all estrogen receptors. It also does this to progesterone receptors to a lesser degree. It is injectable, at 250mg a month. No information on how it affects blood lipids. It is also very expensive.
Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate): This drug is also a SERM, almost identicle to Nolva. It is said to be a weaker blocker mg for mg than Nolva. Its common use is in PCT, usually for about a month, used after HCG and all AAS esters have run out of your body. Even though it is weaker than Nolva at blocking, it is believed to be quicker at bringing HPTA back to balance. Both are commonly used during PCT. It binds to different receptors than Nolva. There is a lot of debate on this, but until there is solid proof, it may be prudent to include this in your PCT. Commonly taken at about 100mg a day.
Fareston (Toremifene Citrate): This is a second generation SERM. Approved for use in 1997. Chemically very similar to Nolva and Clomid, it is less powerful mg for mg. Fareston may have a stronger posotive effect on your cholesterol levels. For those who find this an important issue, this is a drug of choice. Used every day at around 60mg.
Evista (raloxifene): A newer SERM, Evista is shown to be a blocker in breast tissue, but acts as a receptor agonist in bone tissue (unlike Nolvadex). This action promotes bone density. Taken at about 60mg a day. Evista may prove to be very beneficial, as it also helps cholesterol levels (like Nolvadex). Evista is supposed to have a more powerful gyno blocking effect than Nolvadex.
Cyclofenil: Much like Nolvadex, this is also a SERM. Used at about 600mg a day, it is weaker mg for mg. A good alternative if Nolva is not available, which is usually not the case.
AI (Aromatase Inhibitors)
Teslac (Testolactone): This is a first generation steroidal aromatase inhibitor. Like a suicide, it permanently attaches to the aromatase enzyme. Taked at a maximum of 250mg a day. It is not as strong as the newer AI's, but some people still like to use it. It can lower estrogen about 50%. Streroidal in structure, it has no anabolic effect.
Aromasin (Exemestane): This drug is classified as a Type I Suicide AI. It binds to the aromatase enzyme and kills it. It is effective at lowering estrogen up to 85%. Once again, you have to watch out for your cholesterol levels. Used mainly for cutting when low estrogen levels are desired. Aromasin is shown to help bone density. Clinical doses are about 25mg a day, but it has been shown that as little as 2.5mg a day can be as effective.
Lentaron (Formestane): A Type I Suicide AI. Lentaron is not classified as a drug, and can be sold over the counter as a suppliment. Not as strong as the third generation AIs (arimidex, femera). Can lower estrogen by about 60%. Used as an injectable, it is dosed at about 250mg every 2 weeks. Due to poor bioavailability, daily doses of oral Lentaron are about 250mg.
Arimidex (Anastrozole): This is a widely used type II AI. It competes with estrogen for the aromatase enzyme. This effectively lowers estrogen up to 80% in the blood. Approved for use in 1995 to fight breast cancer. At doses up to 1mg a day, it has been shown to be very effective at controlling estrogen while on cycle or in PCT. It is usefull for curbing the effects that come with aromatizing AAS's while in cycle, and can be used in PCT. Nolvadex is shown to decrease the effectiveness of Arimidex when used together. In this case a suicide inhibitor may be more well suited, like in PCT. It is also called L-dex, in its liquid form.
Femera (Letrozole): Letro is a competative Type II AI also. Also farely new compared to other compounds, it is shown to be effective at lowering estrogen by blocking the aromatase enzyme. Doses up to 2.5mg a day are used, but usually as low as .5mg a day can be just as effective. Clinical studies show Femera to lower estrogen by 75-78%. Once again, watch out for you blood lipids (cholesterol) to get out of whack. There may a noted rebound effect of estrogen levels that goes along with Letro use.
Cortisol Control
Cytadren (aminoglutethimide): This drug has the ability to reduce cortisol at higher doses (1000mg a day), and act as an AI at lower doses (250mg a day). The cortisol effect is shortlived if taken for a number of consecutive days. Can lower estrogen a lot, anbout 90%. The higher dose has a long list of sides. More effective as an AI.
Mirtazapine: This is used to lower cortisol. Even though it may be effective in cortisol control, Johan has pointed out that it may cause some phycological side effects, like making you feel like a zombie. Here is a pubmed abstract for is effects on cortisol levels, amoung other things.
Cytodyne (Phosphatidylserine): This is also used to lower cortisol, but is only effective in lowering about 30%. There are other ingredients in Cytodyne than Phosphatidylserine. Phosphatidylserine is the only real proven ingredient to lower cortisol, or so ive gathered so far. Effective at 800mg a day of PS as an ingredient.
Vitamin C: At doses of about 1.5 grams a day, can have a lowering effect on elevated cortisol, not to mention its other healthy effects.
LH Repalacement Therapy - Testosterone Stimulating Drugs
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): HCG is a replacement for your natural LH (luteinizing hormone). LH is what your body produces to tell your testicles to produce natural testosterone. LH levels drop when using AAS (HPTA suppression). Using HCG while on cycle prevents testicular shrinkage, speeding PCT when the time comes. Using Nolva while using HCG helps stop HCG from de-sensitizing your testicles to natural LH. In my opinion, any decent cycle/PCT should include HCG. It has been suggested to me that HCG can be used throughout a cycle at 500iu E4D, or in the last couple weeks of your cycle at a higher dose, like 1000iu EOD. This is done before PCT starts with Clomid, as it is no good to mix the two. Always include Nolva with your HCG, they work together well. My suggested doses are not concrete, and you should be careful not to overdose and desenstize your testicles to LH. HCG has an active life of about 3 days. Vitamin E is a booster, read the next one :
Vitamin E: As Hooker pointed out to me, vitamin E increases the response to HCG. This may be useful in making the low doses of HCG we use more effective at growing back shrunken testicles. Doses can be generally 1000iu a day while using HCG.
Progesterone Control
Lilopristone, Onapristone: These are progesterone blockers also, said to be safer and possibly more effective than RU-486 when it comes to progesterone blocking. They were developed after RU-486 in an attempt to make more effective, less harsh drugs to block progesterone.
Dostinex (Cabergoline), Bromo (Bromocriptine), B-6: These are used for Deca/Tren gyno sides. This type of gyno is related to progesterone and its receptors. Tren/Deca may act on the progesterone receptor, as they are progestins, and may increase prolactin in the blood (causing lactating). These drugs stop production of prolactin at the pituitary gland. Controlling estrogen levels with an AI also helps here, as progestins themsleves haven't been proven to cause gyno.
RU-486 (Mifepristone - abortion pill): This drug has the ability to block estrogen, progesterone AND cortisol. It may or may not be very well tolerated, but I would like to find out more about it, as it is used in the bodybuilding world. In PCT it is used to block cortisol and progesterone. A powerful drug that may turn out to be a good choice, but i need more evidence and feedback from experience useing RU-486
RI's (5a Reductase Inhibitors)
Proscar (Finasteride): This is *****rily a Type II 5-alpha blocker. This means that when you are taking a high dose of testosterone, the resulting conversion of test to DHT in certain parts of the body become to high for ones own comfort, mainly hairloss and prostate enlargement. This is where the type II 5a enzymes are mainly found. This will not work against AAS that are already highly androgenic by design, without conversion. AAS like Tren will still exhibit high androgenic properties. Used at doses up to 5mg a day.
Avodart (Dutasteride): Like Proscar but newer and more effective at blocking the effects of DHT in not only the scalp and prostate (which are Proscar's main strengths) but also in the skin, effectively reducing acne. This is because Avodart will block both Type I and Type II 5-alpha enzymes, covering more of the problem areas due to DHT. Available in .5mg softgels, this is an effective dose. Approved for use in 2002.
Fat Burning, Anti-Catabolic
Clen (Clenbuterol): Clenbuterol is a bronchodilator. Everyone knows clen is used to burn fat. Why am I listing it here in a PCT thread? Well, for its anti-catabolic properties. Clen may lower the effect of AAS while on cycle, so I personally dont use it while cycling. It does, however, have an effect on cortisol levels. While on cycle, cortisol is not to much of a problem if you eat right. AAS use increases cortisol production, and increases receptor sites. This means that when you finish a cycle, cortisol spikes along with estrogen. This is a part of the "crash" that is often overlooked. People have reported that blocking cortisol in PCT speeds along fat loss. Clen is supposed to have a blocking effect on cortisol. So, along side of its ability to burn fat, it is anti catabolic in it ability to block cortisol until desired hormone levels are achieved in PCT. For me, it makes sense to use clen in PCT until desired hormone levels are achieved, as it also burns away fat in the process.
All AAS can supress the HPTA, even in small doses, thus lowering natural LH. Factors that affect ones ability to recover quickly are genetics, cycle length or steroid type. Some AAS will shut you down hard and fast, some not so bad. Some lucky people can rebound quickly without medications, but many need it to avoid a crash and losing muscle/gaining fat. It is in our best interest to use the appropriate medications in the CORRECT doses to keep sides down (like bloat), grow quickly and keep quality mass when we are done our cycles. Most of us can get away with using 2 or 3 compounds to keep sides to a minimum, rebound quickly, and keep gains we worked hard for. Higher levels of AAS (and therefore higher estrogen/progestins) may require more intense hormone control and heavier PCT. Remember, we are aiming to level out estrogen, progesterone, cortisol and testosterone. In PCT, we are trying to achieve equilibrium of the HPTA, getting FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) back to normal. Keeping our hard earned gains is obviously our first priority. I hope this post helps out, as i wrote it for beginners who are having a hard time searching through the massive amount of info... this thread will be updated as often as i learn something new... enjoy!
Estrogen, Progesterone and Cortisol control
I am starting this thread after tons of reading, and taking advice from the more prominent members from various boards. I just wanted to summarize a bunch of useful threads here, bringing it together in one post and simplifying the popular substances used to control estrogen/progesterone/cortisol and restore natural test levels. Ill go over the compounds briefly, and summarize at the end of the post. I'd like to thank Hooker for his input on this thread. A few defenitions before you start :
SERM's (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator): These block certain estrogen receptors, depending on the drug, and dont actually lower estrogen in the blood. Estrogen is left to circulate with nowhere to go. Because of this, SERMS have a posotive effect on cholesterol levels. They have a negative effect on IGF-1, so if bulking, only take them if totally necessary. They are good at blocking gyno, and are commonly used while cycling and in PCT.
AI's (Aromatase Inhibitors): There are 2 types of AI's. Type I (suicide inhibitor) attaches to the aromatase enzyme and permanently disables it. Type II compete for the enzyme, but dont destroy it. Both are effective at lowering estrogen substantially. Both are commonly used during both cycling and PCT. Used mainly when low estrogen levels are desired, like contest preparation/cutting. Beware that lowering estrogen with strong AI's can have a negative effect on cholesterol levels.
RI's (Reductase Inhibitors): These drugs stop the conversion of testosterone into DHT wherever 5-alpha reductase enzymes are present. RI's work by blocking the action of the 5-alpha. There are 2 5a's. Type I 5a and Type II 5a. Different RI's block one or both of these 5a's.
Estrogen: The first hormone we need to keep an eye on. Many AAS convert to estrogen via the aromatization process. Some AAS are worse than others. Also, estrogen spikes after a cycle. High levels of estrogen leads to gyno, water retention, fat storage etc. Estrogen plays a key role in progesterone related gyno. We either block its receptors with SERMS or reduce its production with AIs. We watch estrogen levels during a cycle and in PCT. Lowering estrogen too much will mess up your blood lipids. Letting it get out of control will cause sides like gyno, water retention etc. Estrogen plays a role in IGF-1 levels, may lower IGF-1 when blocked. Estrogen is also beneficial hormone when bulking, promoting higher androgen receptor concentrations. It also is beneficial in another way - its supposed to act as an anti-inflammatory - this means blocking or reducing it too much during a heavy bulking cycle can result in injury to joints. Obviously different estrogen levels are desired for different goals, and it is not always good to block its action or its production.
Progesterone: Its not so much progesterone that we watch, which is actually a healthy hormone, but progestins which may act upon its receptors. Progestins, like Tren or Deca, may act on its receptor or lower progesterone in the blood. Gyno and lactating are more common side effects. Some people use progesterone receptor blockers to combat this, or a prolactin production inhibitor.
Cortisol: The third hormone, the stress hormone. When elevated to long, it will store fat. Eat muscle. Cause lethargy. Moodiness. You may crave carbs by the boat load. Cortisol spikes after a cycle because AAS blocks it while on cycle, upping cortisol production and receptor sites. IMO not enough attention is payed to this. It has special functions in the body that are absolutely necessary, like its anti-inflamitory ability. However, when elevated for long periods, it turns into a muscle eating beast. The most important time to watch cortisol is after a cycle, when it spikes.
Now that you brushed up on some defentions, here are some useful compounds :
SERMS (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulation)
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate): Nolvadex is a SERM. It selectively binds to certain estrogen receptors, effectively blocking the estrogen and stopping unwanted sides such as gyno. It DOES NOT lower estro levels in the blood, it only blocks it from binding to certain receptors. It also helps your blood fat levels. It does not suppress LH, blocks desired estro receptors and helps stop HCG from desensitizing your testicles to natural LH. Nolva should be used during HCG therapy, at 20 mg a day, for the reason i just mentioned. Can be used during cycle if you see signs of gyno. Its mainly used to block the estrogen spike when you come off cycle, and should be used right through to the end until natural test levels are back. One drawback to consider about Nolva is that it may cause progesterone receptors to become more sensitive. This means that while using progestins such as Deca or Tren, you may become more sensetive to progestin related gyno.
Faslodex (Fulvestrant): Approved for use in 2002 for breast cancer research, this drug is unlike most we have seen. It is classified as an estrogen receptor downregulator. It prevents estrogen from exerting its influence on the estrogen receptor. Similar to Nolvadex, but is not selective. It hits all estrogen receptors. It also does this to progesterone receptors to a lesser degree. It is injectable, at 250mg a month. No information on how it affects blood lipids. It is also very expensive.
Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate): This drug is also a SERM, almost identicle to Nolva. It is said to be a weaker blocker mg for mg than Nolva. Its common use is in PCT, usually for about a month, used after HCG and all AAS esters have run out of your body. Even though it is weaker than Nolva at blocking, it is believed to be quicker at bringing HPTA back to balance. Both are commonly used during PCT. It binds to different receptors than Nolva. There is a lot of debate on this, but until there is solid proof, it may be prudent to include this in your PCT. Commonly taken at about 100mg a day.
Fareston (Toremifene Citrate): This is a second generation SERM. Approved for use in 1997. Chemically very similar to Nolva and Clomid, it is less powerful mg for mg. Fareston may have a stronger posotive effect on your cholesterol levels. For those who find this an important issue, this is a drug of choice. Used every day at around 60mg.
Evista (raloxifene): A newer SERM, Evista is shown to be a blocker in breast tissue, but acts as a receptor agonist in bone tissue (unlike Nolvadex). This action promotes bone density. Taken at about 60mg a day. Evista may prove to be very beneficial, as it also helps cholesterol levels (like Nolvadex). Evista is supposed to have a more powerful gyno blocking effect than Nolvadex.
Cyclofenil: Much like Nolvadex, this is also a SERM. Used at about 600mg a day, it is weaker mg for mg. A good alternative if Nolva is not available, which is usually not the case.
AI (Aromatase Inhibitors)
Teslac (Testolactone): This is a first generation steroidal aromatase inhibitor. Like a suicide, it permanently attaches to the aromatase enzyme. Taked at a maximum of 250mg a day. It is not as strong as the newer AI's, but some people still like to use it. It can lower estrogen about 50%. Streroidal in structure, it has no anabolic effect.
Aromasin (Exemestane): This drug is classified as a Type I Suicide AI. It binds to the aromatase enzyme and kills it. It is effective at lowering estrogen up to 85%. Once again, you have to watch out for your cholesterol levels. Used mainly for cutting when low estrogen levels are desired. Aromasin is shown to help bone density. Clinical doses are about 25mg a day, but it has been shown that as little as 2.5mg a day can be as effective.
Lentaron (Formestane): A Type I Suicide AI. Lentaron is not classified as a drug, and can be sold over the counter as a suppliment. Not as strong as the third generation AIs (arimidex, femera). Can lower estrogen by about 60%. Used as an injectable, it is dosed at about 250mg every 2 weeks. Due to poor bioavailability, daily doses of oral Lentaron are about 250mg.
Arimidex (Anastrozole): This is a widely used type II AI. It competes with estrogen for the aromatase enzyme. This effectively lowers estrogen up to 80% in the blood. Approved for use in 1995 to fight breast cancer. At doses up to 1mg a day, it has been shown to be very effective at controlling estrogen while on cycle or in PCT. It is usefull for curbing the effects that come with aromatizing AAS's while in cycle, and can be used in PCT. Nolvadex is shown to decrease the effectiveness of Arimidex when used together. In this case a suicide inhibitor may be more well suited, like in PCT. It is also called L-dex, in its liquid form.
Femera (Letrozole): Letro is a competative Type II AI also. Also farely new compared to other compounds, it is shown to be effective at lowering estrogen by blocking the aromatase enzyme. Doses up to 2.5mg a day are used, but usually as low as .5mg a day can be just as effective. Clinical studies show Femera to lower estrogen by 75-78%. Once again, watch out for you blood lipids (cholesterol) to get out of whack. There may a noted rebound effect of estrogen levels that goes along with Letro use.
Cortisol Control
Cytadren (aminoglutethimide): This drug has the ability to reduce cortisol at higher doses (1000mg a day), and act as an AI at lower doses (250mg a day). The cortisol effect is shortlived if taken for a number of consecutive days. Can lower estrogen a lot, anbout 90%. The higher dose has a long list of sides. More effective as an AI.
Mirtazapine: This is used to lower cortisol. Even though it may be effective in cortisol control, Johan has pointed out that it may cause some phycological side effects, like making you feel like a zombie. Here is a pubmed abstract for is effects on cortisol levels, amoung other things.
Cytodyne (Phosphatidylserine): This is also used to lower cortisol, but is only effective in lowering about 30%. There are other ingredients in Cytodyne than Phosphatidylserine. Phosphatidylserine is the only real proven ingredient to lower cortisol, or so ive gathered so far. Effective at 800mg a day of PS as an ingredient.
Vitamin C: At doses of about 1.5 grams a day, can have a lowering effect on elevated cortisol, not to mention its other healthy effects.
LH Repalacement Therapy - Testosterone Stimulating Drugs
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): HCG is a replacement for your natural LH (luteinizing hormone). LH is what your body produces to tell your testicles to produce natural testosterone. LH levels drop when using AAS (HPTA suppression). Using HCG while on cycle prevents testicular shrinkage, speeding PCT when the time comes. Using Nolva while using HCG helps stop HCG from de-sensitizing your testicles to natural LH. In my opinion, any decent cycle/PCT should include HCG. It has been suggested to me that HCG can be used throughout a cycle at 500iu E4D, or in the last couple weeks of your cycle at a higher dose, like 1000iu EOD. This is done before PCT starts with Clomid, as it is no good to mix the two. Always include Nolva with your HCG, they work together well. My suggested doses are not concrete, and you should be careful not to overdose and desenstize your testicles to LH. HCG has an active life of about 3 days. Vitamin E is a booster, read the next one :
Vitamin E: As Hooker pointed out to me, vitamin E increases the response to HCG. This may be useful in making the low doses of HCG we use more effective at growing back shrunken testicles. Doses can be generally 1000iu a day while using HCG.
Progesterone Control
Lilopristone, Onapristone: These are progesterone blockers also, said to be safer and possibly more effective than RU-486 when it comes to progesterone blocking. They were developed after RU-486 in an attempt to make more effective, less harsh drugs to block progesterone.
Dostinex (Cabergoline), Bromo (Bromocriptine), B-6: These are used for Deca/Tren gyno sides. This type of gyno is related to progesterone and its receptors. Tren/Deca may act on the progesterone receptor, as they are progestins, and may increase prolactin in the blood (causing lactating). These drugs stop production of prolactin at the pituitary gland. Controlling estrogen levels with an AI also helps here, as progestins themsleves haven't been proven to cause gyno.
RU-486 (Mifepristone - abortion pill): This drug has the ability to block estrogen, progesterone AND cortisol. It may or may not be very well tolerated, but I would like to find out more about it, as it is used in the bodybuilding world. In PCT it is used to block cortisol and progesterone. A powerful drug that may turn out to be a good choice, but i need more evidence and feedback from experience useing RU-486
RI's (5a Reductase Inhibitors)
Proscar (Finasteride): This is *****rily a Type II 5-alpha blocker. This means that when you are taking a high dose of testosterone, the resulting conversion of test to DHT in certain parts of the body become to high for ones own comfort, mainly hairloss and prostate enlargement. This is where the type II 5a enzymes are mainly found. This will not work against AAS that are already highly androgenic by design, without conversion. AAS like Tren will still exhibit high androgenic properties. Used at doses up to 5mg a day.
Avodart (Dutasteride): Like Proscar but newer and more effective at blocking the effects of DHT in not only the scalp and prostate (which are Proscar's main strengths) but also in the skin, effectively reducing acne. This is because Avodart will block both Type I and Type II 5-alpha enzymes, covering more of the problem areas due to DHT. Available in .5mg softgels, this is an effective dose. Approved for use in 2002.
Fat Burning, Anti-Catabolic
Clen (Clenbuterol): Clenbuterol is a bronchodilator. Everyone knows clen is used to burn fat. Why am I listing it here in a PCT thread? Well, for its anti-catabolic properties. Clen may lower the effect of AAS while on cycle, so I personally dont use it while cycling. It does, however, have an effect on cortisol levels. While on cycle, cortisol is not to much of a problem if you eat right. AAS use increases cortisol production, and increases receptor sites. This means that when you finish a cycle, cortisol spikes along with estrogen. This is a part of the "crash" that is often overlooked. People have reported that blocking cortisol in PCT speeds along fat loss. Clen is supposed to have a blocking effect on cortisol. So, along side of its ability to burn fat, it is anti catabolic in it ability to block cortisol until desired hormone levels are achieved in PCT. For me, it makes sense to use clen in PCT until desired hormone levels are achieved, as it also burns away fat in the process.
All AAS can supress the HPTA, even in small doses, thus lowering natural LH. Factors that affect ones ability to recover quickly are genetics, cycle length or steroid type. Some AAS will shut you down hard and fast, some not so bad. Some lucky people can rebound quickly without medications, but many need it to avoid a crash and losing muscle/gaining fat. It is in our best interest to use the appropriate medications in the CORRECT doses to keep sides down (like bloat), grow quickly and keep quality mass when we are done our cycles. Most of us can get away with using 2 or 3 compounds to keep sides to a minimum, rebound quickly, and keep gains we worked hard for. Higher levels of AAS (and therefore higher estrogen/progestins) may require more intense hormone control and heavier PCT. Remember, we are aiming to level out estrogen, progesterone, cortisol and testosterone. In PCT, we are trying to achieve equilibrium of the HPTA, getting FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) back to normal. Keeping our hard earned gains is obviously our first priority. I hope this post helps out, as i wrote it for beginners who are having a hard time searching through the massive amount of info... this thread will be updated as often as i learn something new... enjoy!
There are in the works as we speak we are told, rthis new brand is Called Turbotropin, by TRX co. and is to be GREAT quality, very clean and made in a VERY sterile environment, they will be boxes in a generic plain white box at first as they want to get it out on the market ASAP. We will see if the quality is there, we are promised to have the very first batch of this product to try and put up out feedback, they claim it to be more potent then any other HGH on the market today, this is exciting and we cant wait to check the product out, keep on reading here guys as we will be updating you when we get the updates.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
DELATESTRYL THERMAMED CO. (Pharm Grade Canadian Test E)
Here we have some GREAT quality Test E from here in Canada, comes in a 5ml jug dosed @200mg/ml, these are very hard to come by, but so far not that many fakes compare to our Canadian Upjohn cyp, those are faked abundant and should not be purchased without the original box and with the prescription label still on them. This brand of testosterones are a safe buy if you can get your hands on them, these here are 100% REAL, they are all perfect in everything the real deal should be, FAKES have "pointed" corners, lids are a solid colour, dates are printed on at the same time as everything else, colour of oil SHOULD ALL be consistent no matter what batch they are, we have seen FAKES that the oil was a different in colour from batch to batch (this is a dead give away of a FAKES), keep your eyes pealed for these hints we pointed out of counterfeits, they are easy to spot. Here as you can see these are gonna expire this month (JUNE of 2011), but they will still be just as potent for another 5-8 months at the least if stored properly. Thank you to for the picture, again from one of our sponsors here.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Recently we have been reading more posts about other members then posts about fitness and bodybuilding, we dont get involved with ANY of whats going on or being said on these boards about members, but from what we see and read its really going over board, there are several boards out there that in our opinion are lost in this pile of "BULLSHIT DRAMA", the focus is more on bashing members and having board wars then it is on bodybuilding. Whats going on these days??? its definitely not the same as it use to be, with the "new" generation of members coming out they are more focused on these types of threads and posts then they are with cycling questions and educational threads....truly sad indeed how far we have come and this is what has come out of it....dont get us wrong there are LOTS of very good boards out there still with great info and members that has not lost track on what we are here for. We are very happy to be on these boards with the info that we want to see from a bodybuilding forum. To all of our readers we say.... dont get snagged up in to these useless posts and threads, its not worth it, you know what boards are good and what boards that is all about bashing others, we suggest you stay away from them and stick to the forums that the main focus is bodybuilding. STAY SAFE EVERYONE!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Here we have some more Roxy Test E from a source TurboRX, its the first we have seen these available in Canada complete w/boxes and inserts., They are price pretty good for Canada as most sources charge $14-$15 per amp, from our research over the years these are definitely up there in quality and overfilled to 1.2mls in each amp, but hard to find...if you have a chance jump on these right away. SAFE BUY!!....if you can get them ;)
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Bellow is a small list of GH gear that is available up here in the cold white north, there is also some pics a reader emailed us. Everyone in Canada here knows that Human Grade/Pharmacy Grade steroids is vary hard to get and expensive too, unless you take a chance of importing them yourself (internationally). It's obvious that its a much higher risk for you..... especially now days, we estimated thats its a 60/40 - 70/30 in the favour of it getting seized so ask yourself is it worth it?, in some cases yes and in some no, many source take advantage of this and keep HG amp prices to be about the same wether its $4/amp or $9/amp overseas they will still sell it and make huge profits, some having a 300% markup, like Jelfa Test E for example...overseas its about $3/amp and they sell domestic for about $7-$9 an amp, many will still buy it at these prices as jefla test is one of the best quality amps out there, they are known to be overdosed. Also they dont need to worry about seizures and waiting to get letters in the mail for proof before they can get a reship from the source.
- Bayer Testoviron
- Rotexmedica Test Enth
- Testovis Test Prop
- Delatestryl Test Enth
- Pfitzer Upjohn Cyp
- Oraganon, Karachi Deca
- Oraganon, Karachi Sust
- Viromone Nordic Test Prop
- Bayer Primoboan Depot
- Jelfla Omnadrens
- Jefla Prolongatum Test Enth
- Schering Testoviron
- Infar sust
- Infar sust
(Much more out there, but not easy to get the listed products are obtainable almost at anytime and are in the country on steady bases so are the VET grade products.) BEWARE FOR FAKES!! THERE ARE TONS OUT THERE TO NAME A FEW, UPJOHN CYP, DELATESTRL KARACHI SUST AND TESTOVIS ARE JUST THE FEW THAT WE HAVE SEEN FAKES SEVERAL TIMES FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES. But these fakes are known to the seller and are passed around to several sources so they can be sold as the real product, they do this so if you compare them to other sellers that it will be the same and you will be fooled and think they are real.
Rotexmedica Testosterone Enanthate - 1ml amp - 250mg/ml (all overfilled to 1.2mls) (Left). (On the right picture) Upjohn/Pfitzer Testosterone Cypionate - 10ml vial - 100mg/ml, Delatestryl Testosterone Enanthate - 5ml vial - 200mg/ml, Norma Hellas Nandrolone Decanate - 2ml vial - 100mg/ml.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
$25,000 reward offered for information on Dr. Scott Connelly, Anthony Roberts and Vince Andrich.
According to this recent posting on the website, there is a $25,000 bounty on Scott Connelly, Anthony Roberts and Vince Andrich, for credible information regarding Dr. Connelly’s plot to destroy his former company, Progenex, and unfairly compete against it. Rewards are also offered for any information, which further tie Anthony Roberts to Scott Connelly.
According to sources, Scott Connelly has been sued by Progenex and its investors for fraud, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, and what may soon escalate to conspiracy charges.
Court records verify that Connelly has been sued more than 21 times for the same, and is currently collaborating with the likes of Anthony Roberts, Vince Andrich and others, to bankrupt the company he founded and defame its management. Connelly has allegedly gone as far as to threaten individuals using the US mail, as a means of intimidation, for the purpose of civil gain, which is extortion. Connelly is believed to be conspiring with Peter Hobman, General Manager of Murray Goulburn Cooperative (MGC), and Stephen O’Rourke, MGC’s shamed Managing Director, who was forced to resign last November amidst scandal.
Vince Andrich and Anthony Roberts both have criminal records. Anthony is a convicted drug dealer and cyber-terrorist, who has mounting civil judgments and seizures of his assets. Roberts, whose real name is Anthony Connors, has been commissioned by Connelly to harm Progenex and its management, and act as Connelly’s Internet libel vehicle. Vince Andrich is also wanted for cyber-terrorism and related hate crimes, and was ordered to pay $10 million restitution when he was found responsible for conspiracy to commit fraud and money laundering.
Anyone with information about these individuals is asked to contact Tipsters may remain anonymous.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Can these be more FAKE omadrens out there??, you tell us
Omnadren batch# 004071 sent from UK reader. He is worried if this batch# is legit, because of the following.
It is easy to scratch the golden ring off the amp, the label peels off and blurs if moistened, amps are not the same height, boxes are different cartoon quality made of, some of them break off instead of tear off.
It is too early to say this batch# is fake because some dudes reported excellent gains with it.
If you used Omnadren batch# 004071 please post your feedback in comment section below.
If you used Omnadren batch# 004071 please post your feedback in comment section below.
Original post from RBB
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Essentiale N (injection)
We have some Essentiale N, these come 5 amps to a box w/tray and a leaflet, each amp is 5mls in volume.
Manufacturer: Sanofi-Aventis, France
Pharmaceutical name: Vitamin B, E and PP, Linoleic, Linolinec and Oleic Acids
Pack: 5 amps 5ml (250mg/amp)
Essentiale is a lipotropic agent containing B-complex vitamins with liver protectant effects:
Essentiale acts on fat metablolism and hastens the removal of fat deposits in the liver, thereby helping to maintain normal function of the liver Esssentiale contains B complex vitamins which are essential elements for healthy metabolism and cell growth Essentiale provides the body with Vitamin E - an anti-oxidant which may help to oppose the effects of free radical induced damage on the cells of the body caused by consuming alcohol
Therapeutic actions:
ESSENTIALE FORTE is an original combination of essential phospholipids, which are used in our bodies as building blocks for our cells. Special molecules called ENZYMES are able to uptake phospholipids from our diet and repair a damaged cellular membrane or build a new one. All enzymes in human bodies produced from vitamins and protein what we get with our food. ESSENTIALE FORTE combines phospholipids with a vitamin complex for the maximal therapeutic effect.
What is it used for?:
- Hepatic steatosis (also at diabetes);
- Acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cytoclasis, hepatic coma and precoma, toxic liver affects, including toxemia of pregnancy;
- Pre- and post-surgical treatment, particularly at hepatobiliary part surgery;
- Psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
- Radiation syndrome.
Contraindications and cautions:
Essentiale Forte N should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the medicine component.
Side effects:
Seldom at taking high doses of Essentiale gastroenteric upset (diarrhea) may ocurr.
For dilution of solution for intravenous induction electrolyte solutions should not be used.
Pharmaceutical name: Vitamin B, E and PP, Linoleic, Linolinec and Oleic Acids
Pack: 5 amps 5ml (250mg/amp)
Essentiale is a lipotropic agent containing B-complex vitamins with liver protectant effects:
Essentiale acts on fat metablolism and hastens the removal of fat deposits in the liver, thereby helping to maintain normal function of the liver Esssentiale contains B complex vitamins which are essential elements for healthy metabolism and cell growth Essentiale provides the body with Vitamin E - an anti-oxidant which may help to oppose the effects of free radical induced damage on the cells of the body caused by consuming alcohol
Therapeutic actions:
ESSENTIALE FORTE is an original combination of essential phospholipids, which are used in our bodies as building blocks for our cells. Special molecules called ENZYMES are able to uptake phospholipids from our diet and repair a damaged cellular membrane or build a new one. All enzymes in human bodies produced from vitamins and protein what we get with our food. ESSENTIALE FORTE combines phospholipids with a vitamin complex for the maximal therapeutic effect.
What is it used for?:
- Hepatic steatosis (also at diabetes);
- Acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cytoclasis, hepatic coma and precoma, toxic liver affects, including toxemia of pregnancy;
- Pre- and post-surgical treatment, particularly at hepatobiliary part surgery;
- Psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
- Radiation syndrome.
Contraindications and cautions:
Essentiale Forte N should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the medicine component.
Side effects:
Seldom at taking high doses of Essentiale gastroenteric upset (diarrhea) may ocurr.
For dilution of solution for intravenous induction electrolyte solutions should not be used.
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