It is so hard to find a good source these days with good gear and carry REAL HG products, even when you see tons of sources listed on forums it doesn't mean they are safe to order from, many of them sells fakes and don't even know it also almost every one of them were caught selling fakes at one point or another. If you choose to place an order you should always do a small test order first so you can see the gear before ordering your entire cycle from them, there are some good sources out there you just have to find them and test them out, for example...we had our team order from two different sources that are listed on a forum, the order was all HG products few amps of everything with both sources, we ordered some of the same product from both so we can compare. Feedback is another good way to see how the source is as well, but you have to be carful as many good feedback are the same members or even the source giving themselves good feedback, this is a problem now days as you see MANY good feedback from members that just joined a week ago some the same day, they have 1 post and that one post is a feedback post, but there are smart sources out there that have a dummy account that they created long time ago so the "join" date is several years ago, you can still tell that its them just by the timing of the post also look at their profile and check what their past history posts are, if most of the posts are about that source then you know its them or a "rep" that got free gear to bump them up, do your research and don't rush into anything as there are scammers just waiting for you to place an order with them.
Almost everything was real from source "A" but we found one item that was fake, source "B" we had ordered the same item and was able to put the two side by side and compare them, there was no doubt that we have gotten a fake item, if we didn't do a test order like we did we would of been stuck with a good amount of fakes, someone easily could of got a bunch of fakes and not even know it cause they had nothing to compare it too (this was a good source too). So we now wonder how many people have gotten these fakes without even knowing it, this source was great and seemed like he knew everything about real and fake gear, but even the best can be fooled with counterfeits. Some sources don't even see the product before they sell it as they are just the middle man, how that works is they take your cash, take their cut and send the rest to the "main" source over sea's and they ship it to what ever address that was given, so the person that you are talking to (the source) has no idea what the product looks like. There are several "big" name sources that do this and almost every powder source does the same thing unless you are talking to the person from china himself, you can tell by the prices if they are the main source or just a middle man in the game. So we highly suggest you make a small test order from the source first before making a large order from them, this way you can check out the gear and test out the T/A time and communication. STAY SAFE AND DONT BE FOOL BY COUNTERFEITS
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Geneza Pharmaceutical Lab Tests
Here we have a bunch of lab tests done by on Geneza Pharmaceutical products, from the tests it looks like this UGL is doing a great job with it's products its all good quality and dosed pretty accurate, there are not to many UGL's out there that are up to par when it comes to dosing, in fact most are under dosed or filed with something else then what the label claims it to be.
GP Labs continues to surprise us with new products that MOST other UGL's dont make such as Methandriol Dipropionate (M.D.) or Trestolone Acetate (MENT), they even have Mibolerone (Cheque Drops) on their list which almost no other UGL makes. I have yet to try their product, but from the feedback and lab tests that we see this UGL will be in my next cycle for sure. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK G.P.!!!
Old Bust, But A Big One For Canada
This bust happened years ago in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It involved Axiolabs, its owners and a couple dealers in Edmonton, Alberta that was receiving product from them, So with the recent but of Axiolabs this will be the second time they went down, many say they are down for good as the recent bust was a big hit to them which also involved numerous forums that they ran and were all "forced" to shut down, at this time many of their forums are back up and running. Rumours are spreading that they are back in action with everything re-stocked, this is hard to believe but may be true...we dont know for sure yet, we would advise that you to stay away from all Axiolab gear as counterfeiters will probably be all over this by taking advantage of the situation and profiting from it. So we say again, stay away from their product and their forums as they most likely be crawling with LE, STAY SAFE EVERYONE!
Undercover op nailed city steroids dealer
An Edmonton man who started taking steroids to help him lose weight ended up being the Canadian distributor in a million-dollar international steroid trafficking ring.
That's what court heard yesterday when Glenn Donald England, a 38-year-old father of four, pleaded guilty to possession of steroids for the purpose of trafficking.
According to agreed facts, England was busted after an eight-month undercover operation by city police and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) that ended with an Oct. 10, 2006, raid at his west Edmonton apartment.
Police found more than 200,000 steroid tablets, with a street value of between $400,000 to $600,000, 23.5 litres of steroid oils valued at $235,000, $50,000 in cash and packaging materials England used to distribute the illegal goods. There was also evidence found linking England to Irish steroid king Brian Wainstein, including itemized steroid orders on Wainstein's website, names and addresses of customers, courier delivery receipts, phone records, money transfer receipts and computer text messages.
According to the agreed facts, between Feb. 7, 2006, and Oct. 30, 2006, England was in possession of 640,000 steroid tablets and 37.7 litres of steroid oil, valued at from $1.6 million to $2.3 million, that were sent by Wainstein.
City police were tipped to the steroid trafficking operation after the CBSA intercepted a steroid shipment in Vancouver that was destined for an Edmonton address.
Det. Ken Brander substituted the steroid tablets with sugar and delivered the package with a note advising he should be called to smuggle in further shipments.
A week later he got a call from a man Irish police identified as Wainstein and the two made a supposed deal.
According to the agreed facts, over a period of months Wainstein sent Brander 17 packages of steroid tablets and steroid oils from Moldova, Hong Kong and China.
The packages contained 960,000 tablets and 62.8 litres of oil with a street value of between $2.5 and $3.5 million.
Federal prosecutor Joseph Selvaratnam asked for England to be handed 30 months in jail while defence lawyer Jake Chadi suggested an 18-month conditional sentence to be served in the community and a fine.
During the sentencing hearing, Chadi said the heavyset England initially just wanted to use the product himself to lose weight, but then got hooked up with Wainstein.
A sentencing decision is slated for next week.
Undercover op nailed city steroids dealer
An Edmonton man who started taking steroids to help him lose weight ended up being the Canadian distributor in a million-dollar international steroid trafficking ring.
That's what court heard yesterday when Glenn Donald England, a 38-year-old father of four, pleaded guilty to possession of steroids for the purpose of trafficking.
According to agreed facts, England was busted after an eight-month undercover operation by city police and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) that ended with an Oct. 10, 2006, raid at his west Edmonton apartment.
Police found more than 200,000 steroid tablets, with a street value of between $400,000 to $600,000, 23.5 litres of steroid oils valued at $235,000, $50,000 in cash and packaging materials England used to distribute the illegal goods. There was also evidence found linking England to Irish steroid king Brian Wainstein, including itemized steroid orders on Wainstein's website, names and addresses of customers, courier delivery receipts, phone records, money transfer receipts and computer text messages.
According to the agreed facts, between Feb. 7, 2006, and Oct. 30, 2006, England was in possession of 640,000 steroid tablets and 37.7 litres of steroid oil, valued at from $1.6 million to $2.3 million, that were sent by Wainstein.
City police were tipped to the steroid trafficking operation after the CBSA intercepted a steroid shipment in Vancouver that was destined for an Edmonton address.
Det. Ken Brander substituted the steroid tablets with sugar and delivered the package with a note advising he should be called to smuggle in further shipments.
A week later he got a call from a man Irish police identified as Wainstein and the two made a supposed deal.
According to the agreed facts, over a period of months Wainstein sent Brander 17 packages of steroid tablets and steroid oils from Moldova, Hong Kong and China.
The packages contained 960,000 tablets and 62.8 litres of oil with a street value of between $2.5 and $3.5 million.
Federal prosecutor Joseph Selvaratnam asked for England to be handed 30 months in jail while defence lawyer Jake Chadi suggested an 18-month conditional sentence to be served in the community and a fine.
During the sentencing hearing, Chadi said the heavyset England initially just wanted to use the product himself to lose weight, but then got hooked up with Wainstein.
A sentencing decision is slated for next week.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Indictment: NJ couple made "Superman" sex drug, sold it online
PHILADELPHIA — Grand jurors indicted a Jersey couple on charges of mixing a sex drug potent enough to give the Man of Steel an erection.
Brian Parker, 27, and Michelle Pfeiffer, 24, allegedly made their penis-boosting drug called "Superman" by using Viagra and Cialis and selling the concoction on the Web, prosecutors said Friday.
U.S. Attorney Zane David Memeger also said that the couple e-sold other pills they manufactured called “GHRP-6,” or “Growth Hormone Releasing Agent Protein” and “IGF,” or “Insulin Growth Factor.” Both of those protein-based drugs were popular for increasing strength and muscle mass.
The defendants allegedly advertised on websites and message boards, targeting an audience of primarily body builders and athletes, which would tout the benefits and dosing of different performance enhancing drugs.
Parker allegedly offered prescription erectile-enhancing drugs for sale without asking for a prescription from a licensed medical practitioner, Memeger said.
In addition, the indictment says Parker advertised brand-name prescription drugs such as Cialis and Viagra but delivered imitations of those drugs that he made in the basement of his home, said Patty Hartman, spokeswoman for Memeger.
Parker never got approval from the FDA to distribute the home-made junk and never registered his basement lab with the FDA, according to the indictment.
The accused allegedly accepted orders for the drugs through e-mail, using a pseudonym, and told buyers to write deceiving messages in the subject line to avoid detection.
Parker, of Brielle, and Pfeiffer, of Tom’s River, were charged with fraud and failure to register a manufacturing facility. They each face a maximum sentence of 42 years in prison and a fine of $3.75 million if convicted of all charges.
Brian Parker, 27, and Michelle Pfeiffer, 24, allegedly made their penis-boosting drug called "Superman" by using Viagra and Cialis and selling the concoction on the Web, prosecutors said Friday.
U.S. Attorney Zane David Memeger also said that the couple e-sold other pills they manufactured called “GHRP-6,” or “Growth Hormone Releasing Agent Protein” and “IGF,” or “Insulin Growth Factor.” Both of those protein-based drugs were popular for increasing strength and muscle mass.
The defendants allegedly advertised on websites and message boards, targeting an audience of primarily body builders and athletes, which would tout the benefits and dosing of different performance enhancing drugs.
Parker allegedly offered prescription erectile-enhancing drugs for sale without asking for a prescription from a licensed medical practitioner, Memeger said.
In addition, the indictment says Parker advertised brand-name prescription drugs such as Cialis and Viagra but delivered imitations of those drugs that he made in the basement of his home, said Patty Hartman, spokeswoman for Memeger.
Parker never got approval from the FDA to distribute the home-made junk and never registered his basement lab with the FDA, according to the indictment.
The accused allegedly accepted orders for the drugs through e-mail, using a pseudonym, and told buyers to write deceiving messages in the subject line to avoid detection.
Parker, of Brielle, and Pfeiffer, of Tom’s River, were charged with fraud and failure to register a manufacturing facility. They each face a maximum sentence of 42 years in prison and a fine of $3.75 million if convicted of all charges.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Bigger Lats with Site Injections??
Q: How about shooting your lats for back width? I see guys who compete at the pro level and I could swear they’d just start flying away they are so wide and have such amazing lats. Surely they must shoot their lats on a regular basis, right?
A: Good hard training never hurt anyone either! Truth is, the lats are a problem. There are enough places that are easier to hit than the lats and will be more beneficial. Plus, nobody really has proven that you are making better gains by site injecting. It may or may not be valid. It appears to be, but then growth is something that happens with AS use and it’s hard to quantify why it happened and where it happened first or more profoundly. It’s like the “chicken vs. the egg” theory… which came first? We have absolutely no damn idea! But can the latissimus dorsi be shot? Yes sir – as can any muscle or place on your body – but it’s an awkward place and because there is so much sinew and tendon attachment, it’s not the most ideal place. It’s also one of the most awkward to shoot yourself. What you may be seeing up on the stage is a lot of Synthol use in the lat area, too. This, of course, has nothing to do with training. Back to the logistics… The risk you run of injecting the lats is that you will invariably come in around the under arm area and at a weird angle. Because there is a lot of bacteria on the skin’s surface in that area, and a lot of sweat glands, you run the risk of infecting the area or injuring yourself. Our conclusion: Why?
Anabolic Steroids Making Hands Fall Asleep?
Q: I don’t know what’s going on, but my hands are falling asleep, both in bed and also in the gym, of all things. It’s been really happening for the past 2-3 weeks only, but it’s worrying me. I am on a big cycle right now, and I’m wondering if I am going into stroke mode?
A: Well, being on a big cycle could be a cause. After all, total body edema is not uncommon on what you describe as a big cycle. And if you are not eating ideally while using drugs like D-bol, Test, and Sustanon, or any big combo such as this, you run the risk of extremity swelling. Excess water can press on capillaries and veins that lead into the hand through the wrist, and constrict the blood’s ability to flow and feed those areas. Typically, when something falls asleep, it’s because something is pressing on its blood flow and restricting it. Tight areas can also be caused by the beginning of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) – particularly in the wrists and hands.
Compressed neuropathy at the volar (under part) of the wrist joint affects the median nerve and causes the thumb, index finger and middle fingers, as well as the palm of the hand, to fall asleep. So if your problem is carpal tunnel, or you suspect that you have some repetitive injury issues (the causes of carpal tunnel) if, for instance, you work on computers or rest your wrists on a desk all day long, then you should go get them diagnosed properly and go through the necessary surgery. If it’s just generalized edema and it affects the smaller joints of the body, causing tingling and a lack of circulation, then try some estrogen blockers, diuretics or aromatase inhibitors.
Mar 24, 2011
A recent bust in Poland has gone down, orchestrated by the Polish police working in concert with their Customs department, resulting in a $5MM Zloty (Polish currency) bust (including money, assets, and laundered money seized)…which is about 1.76 Million USD. To put this in perspective, it’s probably about as big as the 2006 Axio Labs bust in Canada.
(Update: He contacted me via email and told me that it wasn’t him)
Although, as I’ve seen him posting on forums already today (?), I’d caution anyone from making too many assumptions, but at the same time, it does look like a pretty major bust went down in Poland (I can only name one guy in the game over there). As near as I can tell from the article (screenshotted below), the defendants were allowed to leave on supervised release, but will need to check in at the local police station 3x a week, and aren’t allowed to leave the country (which is actually what happened to me when I was arrested).
On Dave Kirkham’s site (*Steroidology) and Outlaw Muscle, we’ve already seen threads concerning the bust getting pulled (and other actions taken); standard operating procedure when they think they might have a busted advertiser.
Judging by the photos I’ve seen, which include numerous American hundred dollar bills, the source who got busted was doing a lot of business with the United States..which isn’t surprising…
I’d tell anyone who has done business with any Polish sources to be cautious, and spread the word about the bust, but until we know for sure, let’s give people a chance to respond…I don’t want to be the source of unfounded rumors or lost business for anyone, especially if there’s no reason for alarm. But judging by the currency (USD) in the photos I’ve seen, there’s reason for concern for Americans making steroid purchases from Poland.
Here’s the article off the Polish Police’s website, posted on the 17th of March, 2011 (please excuse the crude Google-Translator verbiage):
Physicians and pharmacists are often asked if patients can use drugs after their expiration
date. Pharmaceutical companies, because of legal restrictions and liability concerns, will
not sanction such use and may not even comment on the safety or effectiveness of using their
products beyond the date on the label.
THE EXPIRATION DATE — The expiration date on the manufacturer’s package is based on
the stability of the drug in its original closed container. The date does not necessarily mean
that the drug was found to be unstable after a longer period; it means only that real-time data
or extrapolations from accelerated degradation studies indicate that the drug will still be
stable at that date. The expiration date for new drugs is usually 2-3 years from the date of
manufacture. Once the original container is opened for use or dispensing, the expiration date
on the container no longer applies. Retail pharmacists who repackage drugs, in accordance
with the standards of the US Pharmacopoeia (USP), label them with a "beyond-use" date, generally
one year from the date the prescription is filled.
SAFETY — The only report of human toxicity that may have been caused by chemical or
physical degradation of a pharmaceutical product is renal tubular damage that was associated
with use of degraded tetracycline (GW Frimpter et al, JAMA 1963; 184:111). Current tetracycline
preparations have been reformulated with different fillers to minimize degradation and
are unlikely to have this effect.
STABILITY — Shelf life is the time a product, stored under reasonable conditions, is expected
to remain stable (generally retain >90% of potency) (B Kommanaboyina and CT
Rhodes, Drug Dev Ind Pharm 1999; 25:857). Data from the Department of Defense/FDA Shelf
Life Extension Program, which tests the stability of drug products past their expiration date,
showed that 84% of 1122 lots of 96 different drug products stored in military facilities in their
unopened original containers would be expected to remain stable for an average of 57 months
after their original expiration date (JS Taylor et al, 2002 FDA Science Forum Poster Abstract,
Board AC-08,, search "2002 FDA science forum"). Storage in high humidity may
interfere with the dissolution characteristics of some oral formulations. In one published
study, however, captopril (Capoten) tablets, flucloxacillin sodium (Flucloxin) capsules (a penicillin
not available in the US), cefoxitin sodium (Mefoxin) powder for injection and theophylline
(Theo-Dur) tablets stored under both ambient and "stress" (40°C and 75% relative humidity) conditions remained chemically and physically stable for 1.5-9 years beyond their
expiration dates (G Stark et al, Pharm J 1997; 258:637). Amantadine (Symmetrel) and rimantidine
(Flumadine) remained stable after storage for 25 years under ambient conditions, and
retained full antiviral activity after boiling and holding at 65-85°C for several days (C Scholtissek
and RG Webster, Antiviral Res 1998; 38:213). In another report, theophylline retained
90% of potency for about 30 years (R Regenthal et al, Hum Exp Toxicol 2002; 21:343).
LIQUID DRUGS — Drugs in liquid form (solutions and suspensions) are not as stable as
solid dosage forms. Suspensions are especially susceptible to freezing. Drugs in solution,
particularly injectables, that have become cloudy or discolored or show signs of precipitation
should not be used. When oral drugs are in solution with dyes, however, color changes may
be due to degradation of the dye and not the drug. Epinephrine in EpiPen injections loses potency
after its expiration date; in one study, 5 of 7 autoinjectors contained less than 90% of
the labeled epinephrine content 10 months after the expiration date, without necessarily being
discolored or showing signs of precipitation (FER Simons et al, J Allergy Clin Immunol
2000; 105:1025). Drugs prepared by addition of a solvent before dispensing or administration
(such as suspensions of antibiotics for oral use or lyophilized drugs in vials for parenteral
use) tend to be relatively unstable in the liquid state. With ophthalmic drugs, the limiting factor
may not be the stability of the drug, but the continued ability of the preservative to inhibit
microbial growth.
CONCLUSION — There are virtually no reports of toxicity from degradation products of
outdated drugs. How much of their potency they retain varies with the drug and the storage
conditions, especially humidity, but many drugs stored under reasonable conditions retain
90% of their potency for at least 5 years after the expiration date on the label, and sometimes much longer.
Physicians and pharmacists are often asked if patients can use drugs after their expiration
date. Pharmaceutical companies, because of legal restrictions and liability concerns, will
not sanction such use and may not even comment on the safety or effectiveness of using their
products beyond the date on the label.
THE EXPIRATION DATE — The expiration date on the manufacturer’s package is based on
the stability of the drug in its original closed container. The date does not necessarily mean
that the drug was found to be unstable after a longer period; it means only that real-time data
or extrapolations from accelerated degradation studies indicate that the drug will still be
stable at that date. The expiration date for new drugs is usually 2-3 years from the date of
manufacture. Once the original container is opened for use or dispensing, the expiration date
on the container no longer applies. Retail pharmacists who repackage drugs, in accordance
with the standards of the US Pharmacopoeia (USP), label them with a "beyond-use" date, generally
one year from the date the prescription is filled.
SAFETY — The only report of human toxicity that may have been caused by chemical or
physical degradation of a pharmaceutical product is renal tubular damage that was associated
with use of degraded tetracycline (GW Frimpter et al, JAMA 1963; 184:111). Current tetracycline
preparations have been reformulated with different fillers to minimize degradation and
are unlikely to have this effect.
STABILITY — Shelf life is the time a product, stored under reasonable conditions, is expected
to remain stable (generally retain >90% of potency) (B Kommanaboyina and CT
Rhodes, Drug Dev Ind Pharm 1999; 25:857). Data from the Department of Defense/FDA Shelf
Life Extension Program, which tests the stability of drug products past their expiration date,
showed that 84% of 1122 lots of 96 different drug products stored in military facilities in their
unopened original containers would be expected to remain stable for an average of 57 months
after their original expiration date (JS Taylor et al, 2002 FDA Science Forum Poster Abstract,
Board AC-08,, search "2002 FDA science forum"). Storage in high humidity may
interfere with the dissolution characteristics of some oral formulations. In one published
study, however, captopril (Capoten) tablets, flucloxacillin sodium (Flucloxin) capsules (a penicillin
not available in the US), cefoxitin sodium (Mefoxin) powder for injection and theophylline
(Theo-Dur) tablets stored under both ambient and "stress" (40°C and 75% relative humidity) conditions remained chemically and physically stable for 1.5-9 years beyond their
expiration dates (G Stark et al, Pharm J 1997; 258:637). Amantadine (Symmetrel) and rimantidine
(Flumadine) remained stable after storage for 25 years under ambient conditions, and
retained full antiviral activity after boiling and holding at 65-85°C for several days (C Scholtissek
and RG Webster, Antiviral Res 1998; 38:213). In another report, theophylline retained
90% of potency for about 30 years (R Regenthal et al, Hum Exp Toxicol 2002; 21:343).
LIQUID DRUGS — Drugs in liquid form (solutions and suspensions) are not as stable as
solid dosage forms. Suspensions are especially susceptible to freezing. Drugs in solution,
particularly injectables, that have become cloudy or discolored or show signs of precipitation
should not be used. When oral drugs are in solution with dyes, however, color changes may
be due to degradation of the dye and not the drug. Epinephrine in EpiPen injections loses potency
after its expiration date; in one study, 5 of 7 autoinjectors contained less than 90% of
the labeled epinephrine content 10 months after the expiration date, without necessarily being
discolored or showing signs of precipitation (FER Simons et al, J Allergy Clin Immunol
2000; 105:1025). Drugs prepared by addition of a solvent before dispensing or administration
(such as suspensions of antibiotics for oral use or lyophilized drugs in vials for parenteral
use) tend to be relatively unstable in the liquid state. With ophthalmic drugs, the limiting factor
may not be the stability of the drug, but the continued ability of the preservative to inhibit
microbial growth.
CONCLUSION — There are virtually no reports of toxicity from degradation products of
outdated drugs. How much of their potency they retain varies with the drug and the storage
conditions, especially humidity, but many drugs stored under reasonable conditions retain
90% of their potency for at least 5 years after the expiration date on the label, and sometimes much longer.
Sciroxx Labs
Sciroxx Labs has a very good reputation and for a long time now, always great feedback, but recently we been getting emails about FAKE Sciroxx products in the US and moving into the Canadian market, we here have a couple pictures of fake and legit Sciroxx products (pictures are a bit fuzzy), we got confirmation on a forum from the lab owner that they are in fact fake Sciroxx (top box and right box are fakes). A couple authorized Sciroxx distributors has removed all Sciroxx products from their site/list till the new security features come to play on the new boxes and labels of the product, though we do not know how much of the product has been counterfeited, we would suggest you be carful when buying this brand for now or do some research on your source first, not that its not good quality, but you dont want to get fake products...make sure you check Sciroxx site to make sure they are a authorized supplier before buying. We will be updating everyone as we collect more info and pictures on this growing issue. Once the new security features come out there will be little worry about counterfeits, Sciroxx is a GREAT brand and very good quality, lets just hope they get the new features out fast so we can have "less" to worry about when buying this brand.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Real Testovis
The black line on the side of the amp goes all the way to the top. Fakes have it going up only 3/4 of the way instead. Also, lot# has an open 4 not a closed 4 like I just typed which is commmon with fakes. And exp date and lot # are stamped on later....not printed with same ink as rest of writing. Beware of these FAKE Testovis going around, the real product is great quality and you will be happy with it, we have gotten many feedback saying this is one of the best propionate they have used.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Finapix-H (Trenbolone Acetate from pellets)
Here we have a couple pictures of some Finaplix Pellets used for cows/animal implants at farms or at vets. Lots of bodybuilders use it for its active ingredient Trenbolone Acetate thats in the pellets itself, these pellets are the ONLY REAL legit Trenbolone that you can find on the legal market today. Many bodybuilder find ways to extract the hormone from the pellets and then made into an injectable so humans can use it for the muscle building effect that EVERY bodybuilder strives for. Gains are incredible and can produce insane strength and lean muscle mass to the person injecting it for just that reason, but it does come with a price.....the side effects can be harsh and it takes a tole on the human body when abused for long periods of time, "rule of thumb" with this compound is 4-6 week @75mgs-100mgs EOD per cycle..... usually used at the beginning or at the end of a cycle to lean out as the cycle comes to an end, though some run this compound for an 8 week blast of a pure cutting cycle w/other fast acting esters in the cycle as well, this will make the perfect addition for Trenbolone since this hormone extracted from the pellets is a fast acting ester also. The cycle with the 8 week blast usually consists of Testosterone Propionate/Masteron/Trenbolone Acetate, this combo is a VERY popular one amongst bodybuilders looking for lean mass with none to very low water weight. These days there are all types of Trenbolone such as long acting fast acting is just 2 different esters of it as you can see below, more info of each ester can be found at basskilleronline, if you are interested in a more in depth info on each ester.
1. Trenbolone Acetate--injectable version (Finaject and Finajet)
2. Trenbolone Acetate--pellet form (Finaplix)
3. Trenbolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate (called Parabolan by Bill Roberts)
4. Trenbolone Hexahydrobencylcarbonate (called Parabolan on many message boards)
5. Trenbolone Enanthate
Rotexmedica T.Enanthate
This brand of Testosterone Enanthate is made in Germany for export and sold in other countries such as thailand, they come in a clear amp and have a clear label with royal blue printing on each amp, each amp is packaged 1 amp per box and then boxed again in 20's, these are rarely counterfeited as they are not many sources have them on their lists and not very popular due to the fact that they are not circulated like other brands, these are a safe buy, the quality are very good, all amps are over filled 1.2-1.3mls/amp, if you can get your hands on these they are priced good and we recommend them. GOOD PRODUCT!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Gen-Shi Labs theres not to much feedback on this UGL, but they claim to be GMP on their web site, this product looks VERY professional. The labels, inserts and boxes are all made very well and is quite appealing to the eyes...WELL DONE I MUST SAY!!!, Now the question is the quality of the product itself, I'd imagine the dosing is good and overdosed as they put so much work into the packaging, we don't see them cheeping out on the doses at all, but these days you never know, I would love to see some lab work done on this lab...and it will be done in the near future for sure, if anyone has the copy of the UG book.....if I remember correctly they did do tests on this lab, it would be great if someone can post it up in the comments here or even post up there experience with this lab we would love to hear about it
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
These pin wheel Hygetropins are very good quality and are not easy to get domestic in Canada only two sources that I know of that has them, I had a chance to tried these not to long ago to test them out and must say they are great quality, each vial is 8iu and ONLY comes in 200iu kits, the price for a 200iu kit is excellent...for the price of a 200iu kit you can only get a 100iu kit of other brands, most GH companies up in Canada CLAIM to be HG but defiantly are not, stick to brands thats been around for a while and dont waste your hard earned cash on new HGH that just came out and dont be fooled with fake lab tests, they usually come out at the same time as the product they are trying to sell. The 8iu tops and these pin wheel tops are both LEGIT Hygetropins, to make a long story short the chemist took off from hygene and started his own, so one is from the actual factory and the other is from his lab...SO BOTH ARE LEGIT HYGETROPINS. We will be getting gear tested on most product that going around Canada, we have no agenda and we DO NOT favour any UGL or ANY brand for that matter, we are here to give you honest feedback on all steroids thats out there in Canada
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