Friday, May 20, 2011


Recently we have been reading more posts about other members then posts about fitness and bodybuilding, we dont get involved with ANY of whats going on or being said on these boards about members, but from what we see and read its really going over board, there are several boards out there that in our opinion are lost in this pile of "BULLSHIT DRAMA", the focus is more on bashing members and having board wars then it is on bodybuilding. Whats going on these days??? its definitely not the same as it use to be, with the "new" generation of members coming out they are more focused on these types of threads and posts then they are with cycling questions and educational threads....truly sad indeed how far we have come and this is what has come out of it....dont get us wrong there are LOTS of very good boards out there still with great info and members that has not lost track on what we are here for. We are very happy to be on these boards with the info that we want to see from a bodybuilding forum. To all of our readers we say.... dont get snagged up in to these useless posts and threads, its not worth it, you know what boards are good and what boards that is all about bashing others, we suggest you stay away from them and stick to the forums that the main focus is bodybuilding. STAY SAFE EVERYONE!

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