Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Sorry to all of out readers, we have been very busy and did not have time to keep out blog updated, today we are talking about Xroids.net, there have been alot of buzz over this site and alot of good feedback, also they have a new line of products thats coming out called KALPA, we have yet to see this brand but down the grape vine there are lots of talk about them and they are making there oils VERY potent and the tabs are said to be just GREAT as well, but we have yet to try them out, see the final product and give a feedback on them, this is gonna be a very exciting time for us, when they come out and we are excited to try them out and see how they are, is all the hype just hype?? or will they be one of the TOP brands out there I guess we will have to wait and see we hope to get one of the first testers of ALL the compounds oils and tabs so we can do a write up on the brand, so all of our readers out there keep checking our blog and we hopefully we will have the first feedback to post up for you all, we do have pics of the labels and their site is up, we will post the URL here as well as the labels ASAP, yes we are just as excited as you all are, we are also hoping that this line will hit the Canadian market as there are not many "good" trustful and reliable brands out......so lets keep our fingers crossed and hope they make it over here!!!


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